Having finished the bodice, I started to work on a new pair of bracers that would match it. The old ones are too tight and rigid to be comfortable and they're made out of the same thick suede I used for the old bodice, and are spray painted the same way. Good last resort, but hardly impressive. I had to make new ones!
I used the old bracers as a pattern and cut out four copies; two in a thinner, brown suede material, and two in the same thin leather that I used for the bodice.

After that, I simply sewed the pattern with my sewing machine, using the freehand embroidery fuction. It was rather time consuming, and it sometimes turned out a little different than the design, but on average, I'm pretty happy with the result.
Then came the tedious process of removing the baking paper! It was truly such a bother, I decided to go for some silk paper for the second one, and that definitely made it easier as I didn't have to worry about ruining the seams when I pealed it off.

I think they turned out rather nice, though! What do you think?
Jeg er totalt og overveldende imponert!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww! Tusen takk, Erica! Jeg bare håper jeg klarer å få alt ferdig til i morgen... Man kan si jeg er en smule stressa. :/
DeleteHar ikke engang fått gjort noen sminketest, så det får bare bli som det blir, hehe. :)
Hi! I’m not sure if this is still an active account but I wanted to ask permission to use your design for my own reference/use? It’s super pretty!